When should I sign-up for Medicare?

Individuals are generally able to sign up for Medicare at age 65. If you are already receiving Social Security benefits, you’ll automatically be enrolled in Medicare. Otherwise, you’ll be eligible to sign up 3 months before your 65th birthday. You could sign up earlier if you have a disability, End-Stage Renal Disease, or Lou Gehrig’s disease.

However, if you plan to continue working and will be taking advantage of your employer’s health insurance then you might want to consider only signing up for Medicare Part A. Most individuals that have been working for more than 10 years (have earned 40 credits) already paid into Medicare so there should be no extra charge for Part A. Part A is considered  “Hospital Insurance” and helps cover inpatient care in hospitals and a few other items.

As for Part B, “Medical Insurance” and Part D, “Drug Coverage” these areas would be generally covered by your employer health insurance if you are still working. 

Part C, “Medicare Advantage” is an alternative to “Original Medicare” plan above. This will be covered in more detail in a different post.

These decisions can be daunting especially if you have lots of other things going on. Seek qualified help in working through these issues, especially since missing some of the deadlines can cause life-long financial penalties.

Be aware that these are general guidelines.

Have I mentioned you should seek qualified help in making these decisions?

A good resource to use medicare.gov – lots of great information.

How to keep up with your digital passwords, for estate planning purposes.

Passwords, ugh, love them hate them but we gotta deal with them, for now.

In today’s digital world, it is critical to protect our accounts from potential security breaches. One of the most effective measures for safeguarding our passwords is to use a password management program. Password Management programs allow you to create strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts and store them securely in an encrypted vault. Additionally, some of these programs have various security features such as two-factor authentication, password auditing, and alerts for breached passwords to ensure maximum protection.

Password Management programs are not only a powerful security tool but also a valuable estate planning resource. The best of these programs allow you to designate a trusted emergency contact, you can grant them access to your account information after you pass away, ensuring that your digital assets are protected and accessible to your loved ones.

In the past, I struggled to manage and secure over 200 account passwords that I had jotted down on notecards. But since I started using a password management program, I’ve found it to be an efficient and secure solution for managing my passwords.

I wouldn’t want to leave you without giving you my recommendation of a good password managment program, I’ve used Lastpass for several years and have found it a good solution for myself and my clients. Just don’t forget that we are the weakest link, we’ll always be the weakest link.

Looking for Perspective:

When I took a picture of my cat, I was experimenting with the flash on my camera. It was fascinating to see how the light changed her eyes in just a matter of seconds. It reminded me that there was more to her eyes than what I first realized. There is a purpose and design behind this creature.

Similarly, annuities and investment portfolios may seem like a good fit at first, but upon closer inspection, they may not be suitable for your particular situation. They may have been designed for a different purpose and scenario than yours, there is no one-size fits all portfolio. As a financial advisor, I have had the opportunity to work with many clients over the years and have learned that there is no single product or investment that works for everyone.

That’s where my experience and knowledge come in. I can help you understand the ins and outs of a situation and guide you toward the right financial decision. Gain perspective by looking through someone else’s eyes that has seen many types of portfolios and scenarios. So, don’t be afraid to ask for help when it comes to your finances!