Exodus 14:26 -31

“Israel saw the great power that the LORD used against the Egyptians, so the people feared the LORD, and they believed in the LORD and in his servant Moses.” v31

Exodus 33:18-23 Are we going to recognize the great power of the LORD, his holiness and except that HE is majestic beyond our understanding? When Covid 19 started I remember thinking it was like when Moses wanted to see God and God told him that no man can see him and live. However, he put Moses in a cleft of a rock and covered with him with his hand until he passed by. Are we going to acknowledge his holiness in the midst of this pandemic or is it ‘just’ a pandemic?
Exodus 26 v 31The people feared the Lord – they were utterly hopeless without the Lord
They believed in the LORD – the beginning of wisdom
They believed in his servant Moses – by our faith we can influence others to believe in God.
Exodus 14:26-31